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One good conversation ..

hibiscus flower

can change your life

as can dream, encounter, 'glimpse',

story, intuition .. 


​Robert Thurman: Wisdom is Bliss


Melissa Lucashenko; ABC RN radio interview

Andrew Holechek: Dream Yoga

HH Dalai Lama: 'Man'

Jabiru uranium mine restitution: 'ABC' link, deeper look resumé

HH Dalai Lama with (late) Archbishop Desmond Tu-Tu: see pic here, movie owned unfortunately

Local plants and planting exposé; Territory Native Plants example

Didj healing: 'Morning Star Yidaki Healing – Larry Gurruwiwi - I tried this, brilliant!

There is ever a place for our directly experiencing an event, a situation, a talk or conversation .. that ‘shakes us up’ .. presents us with an 'inner flash' or 'glimpse' into life - way beyond our usual habits and presumptions 

Reference books

​Dzongar Jamyang Khyentse: What makes you not a Buddhist

Tyson Yunkaporta: Sand Talk .. Indigenous thinking .. have a look !

Chogyam Trungpa:  Crazy Wisdom

Lama Yeshe: Introduction to Tantra

Anne C Klein: Being Human and a Buddha too

Thich Nhat Hanh: The Sun my Heart

HH Dalai Lama:  The universe in a single atom


HH Dalai Lama in conversation: Ecology. Ethics and Interdependence

Bruce Pascoe:  Dark Emu ... explore of Australian Aboriginal cultural complexity, good bibliography

Eckhart Tolle:  A New Earth

Larrakia lagoon water-birds


Dzongar Jamyang Rinpoché: Mind training - easy introduction to overcoming anxiety, fear, confusion - notes here

Khandro Kunzung: Death Process; dissolution of the elements (vid)

Miriam Rose: Dadirri - Inner deep listening

Bula'bula arts .. Yolngu nation states Nth australia: community arts centre

Map of Indigenous Australia

University of Sydney: Aboriginal kinship:  kinship-module/learning

University of Melbourne - useful websites 

Harry Oldmeadow: The comparative study of Eastern and Western Metaphysics: a Perennialist perspective

Long time companions

Sogyal Rinpoché: Tibetan book of living and dying

Swami Sri Yukteswar: Holy Science

Lao Tzu:  Tao Te Ching

I Ching (Book of changes); Wilhelm/Jung edition .. Jung intro

Paramhansa Yogananda:  Autobiography of a Yogi .. details

Fritjof Capra: The Tao of Physics

Leo Tolstoy: short stories  (Tolstorys ?) .. start here  ('the three questions')

James Thurber: 'The Thurber Carnival' and others .. start here


Dictionaries; a good big one (eg oxford) helps (for english)

online for ‘old’ philosophy and religious

('one good conversation can change your life' (sic) Khentrul Rinpoché)

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Mt Dandenong cockatoos
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