peter mumme
Musics .. nature's music, new pieces, re-masters
I hear sounds as music .. nature's sounds as 'songs', people (especially children) playing,
man-made music (especially when connecting to nature and people!)
and odd combinations of all that we hear
Some of these are 'sound pictures' - painting with sound; some are environmental 'sound-scapes'
a lot of my composed music are musical commentaries on our social adventurers and illusions !
Many pieces have been released on cassettes, cds, lps, as sountracks for film, video, dance .. on radio and in live performance .. hear more of these pieces here
Meanwhile, here's a listing of (some) 'unreleased' works .. they are 'categorised' - this may assisting finding things ..
Go here for nature's sounds

This is she who is singing

He is (trying) listening
Go here for new piano music

A selection of older music tracks
Sound pictures .. odd combinations of sounds and music
New music sketches .. fun and games

video tropical creek
These tracks may be used in private projects, demos, submissions ; please credit in all these situations ..
All music and sounds © 2024 Peter Mumme .. all rights reserved
There are .wavs available as required